Teachers are spending an average of $820 per year* to provide an engaging learning environment for their students. ​At Greener Good’s creative reuse shop, teachers and nonprofits can get important supplies to support the quality experiences of our local students. From pencils to paints and bulletin borders to books we are available year-round for low-cost and free supplies. Our efforts include a Tools for Schools summer event, which in 2023, provided over than 70 teachers with more than $7,000 worth of free new and reclaimed supplies.
For about $2 per student, you can give to our Tools for Schools program so teachers can get free supplies for their classroom. Donate $40 to adopt one classroom or donate $2 per student to adopt the entire school (max $1200).
* As reported by My eLearning World (2022)
Program Details and FAQ
Program Details
This program connects individuals and businesses to a central location to provide their secondhand and surplus items for use in classrooms. We accept donations of art, craft, school, and office supplies that are unused or those that are clean and still usable.
Teachers, librarians, and intervention specialists (collectively referred to as teachers on this page) from public and private schools, serving pre-K to 12th grade, are eligible to utilize the Tools for Schools program. While our focus is on serving the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, anyone in the surrounding area can receive and utilize the card. Teachers can fill out our request form to receive an Adopt-a-Classroom punch card. As funds are received teachers will be randomly selected, then sent the card.
Teachers will receive a punch card to be utilized during the current school year which allows the teacher to receive free shopping visits and will be provided emails to notify teachers of surplus items available for free (beyond their free visits) and special items available for a low cost. The punch card gets teachers five paper bags full of items through the current school year. ​
Donors will be able to recommend a classroom or school to support for the school year. If no recommendation is made then Title I schools will receive priority for program support. Title I schools in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago will be given priority and if the financial support grows enough we can look to expand our reach.
Teachers will have to show their ID badge or signed letter from a principal to show they are eligible to use the card each visit. Teachers participating in this program must only use materials for their classroom
How will teachers receive their punch cards?
Donors who recommend a teacher will provide the name of the school and let us know if they prefer to give the teacher the card or to have us send it to the teacher. If Greener Good sends the card, the donor will be recognized for providing the recommendation for the Tools for Schools program.
How can I get a punch card to use at Greener Good?
First, let your classroom parents, friends, and family members this is something they can get you. Second, we have Teacher Cards for purchase. For $40 teachers, interventionists and librarians at public and private schools can purchase a shop punch card which provides five paper bags full of items from the teacher section and our loose parts section. Our goal is to get financial support from the community so teachers are truly getting supplies for free. Let's get the word out so we can support a lot of classrooms! Lastly, you can fill out the request form to get on the waiting list which we will randomly select from as funding for the program is received.
If the full punch card is not used for this school year, can I use it next year?
At this time teachers will need to use it in the current school year.
Are the cards transferrable?
Yes, if you decide you don't have a use for the card and you know an eligible teacher who could use it more, then we won't stop you from being so kind and generous! The card must be unused when it is given/transferred.
I lost my card, how do I get a replacement?
As a volunteer-run organization we are light on resources and are not able to track the usage of cards.
Are homeschool educators eligible for the Tools for Schools program and card?
While homeschool educators are not eligible, we are developing a creative club card which can be purchased and utilized at the Greener Good shop. Stay tuned.
What if a teacher is recommended by several different donors? Do they get multiple cards?
We will let the teacher know about subsequent recommendations for recognition of the donor. We will ask the teacher if they would like to recommend a fellow teacher and if not then a Title I classroom will be given priority.
Is my donation to the Tools for Schools program tax deductible?
No goods or services are provided to the donors in exchange for their contribution. Greener Good is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 83-4019420.
Can I donate and recommend myself for the program?
No, teachers cannot donate and recommend themselves due to the nature of the program and tax codes. However, teachers can purchase a card for themselves for $40 (+$4 sales tax) which gets teachers a punch card to fill five paper bags with classroom items throughout the school year. The average value of items is $32 per bag and that's at our low prices!